The post describes different configuration options of SXA Asset Optimizer and their influence on each other.

This article describes how to debug SXA Scaffolding.

Scan your SXA solutions and find out if there are no problems.

Learn how to automate site/tenant creation with PowerShell scripts

Learn how to create a blog using Sitecore Experience Accelerator with out of the box functionalities.

Find the most important/useful information about Sitecore Experience Accelerator in one place.

How to solve the issue with UploadMediaDialog dialog while using Sitecore Experience Accelerator 1.5

SXA allows you to create sites and tenants really quickly. If you ever created a site with wrong features or simply created it to learn new functionalities, you probably tried to remove it. Doing it manually is time-consuming as sites and tenants contain items in locations other than content as well.

Once you start working with SXA you might be overwhelmed by the number of available renderings. The toolbox is a great feature which lets you drag and drop renderings on the page though sometimes it might be hard to find what you are looking for.

How to solve the issue with LookupNameLookupValue field while using Sitecore Experience Accelerator 1.3

Manual steps for SXA (1.2 ➡ 1.3) upgrade converted to a new upgrade script.

Upgrade Tool helps you start using the newest version of SXA with no pain! You don’t have to worry about problems with your old content after upgrade.

This post describes the Sitecore Experience Accelerator Search Service. You will find here a description of each parameter, example values and server responses

XA Reference is a SXA website with example configuration for all renderings.

How to solve the issue with tab switching in Experience Editor while using Sitecore Experience Accelerator