Another major version of Sitecore Extensions has been released. It delivers many new modules and some small improvements. This version brings support for lately released Sitecore 8.2.
New features
At the beginning I am going to show you what new features I was able to deliver since version 2.0.
Treelist Field
This is a small improvement for Sitecore TreeList field.
Normally you just see an item icon and a name next to it.
Right now you can also see item path, to quickly determine where the items is located.
Previously Launcher was able to invoke predefined commands only.
Right now it has much more features.
If you type #
at the beginning you will switch Launcher into instant search mode.
With hash at the beginning you can search through all Sitecore content.
Like Sitecore instant search it also accept item ID.
No results:
If you can’t see any results you probably need to rebuild Quick search index
Last used commands
Very often I use only few commands in a short period of time. That’s why I decided to expose all previously used commmands immediately after Launcher appears.
Inspect field
How many times you had to open an item template to check what is the exact name of the field you are looking at?
Inspect real field name right from the item, without navigating through template structure.
Additionally you can navigate to field item by clicking [Go to field]
Experience Explorer Ribbon toggle
This improvement was origanally implemented by: Jeff Darchuk.
People asked if it is possible to include this as a part of sc-ext, so here we go:
See Experience Accelerator Ribbon Toggle in action:
Database Selector
Change your current database in the background by invoking change database command
Alternatively hold CTRL
key while executing command to open current location in different database.
Go to datasource
This improvement was origanally implemented by: Dave Leigh. Poeple liked that so I decided to implemented this as sc_ext module. See Go to datasource in action:
Scope Tree
Sometimes we work in a specific area of Content Editor tree and we are really deep inside tree structure so we need to resize the area.
Scope tree is an additional popup button which scopes the tree to the currently selected item.
If you no longer need scoped view and want to see whole tree back again you can simply click Descope button
Auto Tree Expand
This module should save few clicks that you need to perform while using Content Editor tree. It will automatically expand tree structure if there is only one child under expanded item.
This section contains improvements and changes for existing features and modules.
Field search
One new option was added to the Field Search Module. You can change the bahaviour when changing item or refreshing a page. Previously input value was cleared. From now you’ve got following options:
Remember input box value
Clear input box value
Selecting Remember input
box value might be useful when you jump through items and observe only a single field.
Reset options to default
Added Reset button to a new Settings section in options.
When you click on that, all your local settings wil be cleared and reverted to default values.
Development workflow
This section describes development workflow improvements.
Appveyor CI
Each pull request before merge will be tested on Appveyor CI now.
Current build status can be tracked here:
In order to provide better code quality and consistency for coding style I decided to introduce Type Script linting. You can find out more about that in Coding Guidelines secion.
It has been a long sprint. I hope you like all the new features.
Currently We’ve got around 350 weekly users.
I am happy people are using it. Give me more motivation and rate my extension in reviews section.
Share this post and let know your Sitecore friends about this module.
Got a nice idea for module/command? Create new ticket on project github page.
Make sure you won’t miss anything and follow me on twitter @AlanPloc
Official hashtag for this module is #sc_ext
Useful links: