Sitecore Utilities: Cache Viewer

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Another Sitecore Utility! This one lets you view what is currently inside Sitecore caches. You can also remove selected entries or clean whole content.


Package: Sitecore Utilities: Cache

Demo: See quick presentation of all features.


To run this utility you will need:


Run Cache Viewer

You can run CacheViewer in two ways:

  • Powershell Extensions Toolbox

  • code
Import-Function Show-CacheViewer

Refresh all caches

Once you open CacheViewer you don’t have to reopen it to see changes.

Just press Refresh button and view will update.

Open single cache

If you want to inspect a particular cache:

  • find it on the list
  • select it by clicking on it
  • press Open Cache button.

Refresh cache entries

Once you open entry view you don’t have to reopen it to see updates.

Just press Refresh button and view will update.

Remove cache entries

You can remove cache entries by selecting it and pressing Remove Entries button from the ribbon.

If none of the cache entries will be selected you will be asked if you want to remove all of them.

Open cache entry

There is an ability to inspect particular cache entry.

You can see it in two modes:

  • formatted (useful while inspecting HTML caches)
  • raw

Bear in mind that if you open HTML cache in formatted mode it will not look 1:1 as it looks on a page (missing styles)


Download package from here:

This is standard Sitecore package.


This utility is a part of Sitecore.Utilities.

If you need more stuff like this one go to Sitecore.Utilities modules section and see what’s there.

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