Find all fields with incorrect title and fix them to stop users eyes from bleeding.
If you create fields without spaces in a name then there is a big chance that you forget about setting its title.
Then users will see something like this:
Not a big deal? Maybe but I am perfectionist and I could not leave it without any action.
Powershell power
Get template fields without valid title from whole database
Get template fields without valid title from part of a tree
$startItem = Get-Item -Path '/sitecore/templates/System/Media/Versioned'
Get-TemplateFieldWithoutValidTitle $startItem
Get template fields without valid title from part of the a and format it
$startItem = Get-Item -Path '/sitecore/templates/System/Media/Versioned'
Get-TemplateFieldWithoutValidTitle $startItem | Format-Table -Property ID, Name, @{Expression={ Get-Title $_.Name };Label="Suggested Title"}, ItemPath -AutoSize
Example result
ID Name Suggested Title ItemPath
-- ---- --------------- --------
{9C6E9C07-FC48-40BA-89CC-A263AAC0C89A} ZipCode Zip Code /sitecore/templates/System/Media/Versioned/File/Location/ZipCode
{5A3DEDAA-C9BC-490B-B2A1-C79E0EA83151} CountryCode Country Code /sitecore/templates/System/Media/Versioned/File/Location/CountryCode
{24DEF54B-DB0D-4BDC-BF33-DE36A37D5186} LocationDescription Location Description /sitecore/templates/System/Media/Versioned/File/Location/LocationDescription
After you get results you can process items in a loop and set title to suggested title (item name with additional spaces near upper-case letters)
Script source
I use Powershell almost everyday. Many times I had a situation when I knew that I wrote something but it is gone or hidden somewhere.
That’s why I’ve decided to create a repository with all my scripts (SitecorePowerShellLibrary).
Right now, it’s kinda empty, but collection will grow.
If you follow me on twitter @AlanPloc you are safe, because I am going to link all new scripts there. In case you are not using twitter to follow people you can follow github project or add my blog to your feed reader.